• Mary Flinn is an Artist and Yoga teacher. She has been teaching Yoga since 1997, and has directed and co-directed several yoga centers in NYC and Philadelphia, including Satya Yoga in Williamsburg and Mount Airy Yoga in Philadelphia.

    She has been blessed by the Late Shri K. Pattabhi Jois and his Grandson R. Sharath Jois to teach the first and second series of Ashtanga Yoga. Authorized Level 1 in 2007 and Level 2 in 2010. She has studied Yoga Philosophy and Pranayama with Dr. Shankaranarayan Jois in Mysore, India as well as the teachers at Ananda Ashram in Upstate NY. She has directed and co-directed teacher training programs since 2004 at yoga studios such as The Energy Center in NYC, Mount Airy Yoga in Philadelphia and Satyana Yoga in Watertown NY. Mary has taught internationally in Costa Rica, Canada, Thailand and was a guest teacher at the ‘Tokyo Yoga conference’ in Japan in 2007.

    Mary is an Ayurveda Consultant certified by the ‘Vedic Institute of Ayurvedic Studies’, and is Yoga Alliance Certified E-RYT 500.

  • Tom Rosenthal began studying yoga in 2001 in Great Barrington, MA at the age of 52. By 2003, thanks to a captivating demonstration of the power and grace of Ashtanga yoga by David Swenson, he settled on Ashtanga as his daily practice. He began a journey of discovery that led to many of the world’s great teachers, including workshops with Nancy Gilgoff, David Swenson, Richard Freeman, Eddie Stern, Petri Raisanen, John Campbell, Mark Robberds, and Tim Miller, and eventually leading to Guy Donahaye in New York City, who was to become his mentor.

    Tom made his first trip to Mysore in 2004 to study with the Jois Family, Sri K.Pattabhi Jois, R.Saraswati, and R. Sharath. During that trip, Tom began to teach digital photography to his yoga teacher Sharathji, and to chronicle the family. Tom made six trips to India, spending over a year and a half there with his teachers. He was invited by Guruji to join an illustrious group of students to study pranayama. That experience made a deep impression on Tom and opened the door to the spiritual realm of yoga. In 2009, Tom was asked by R. Sharath to take authorization, and to teach yoga. Upon returning to the Berkshires, Amy Webb, founder of Sruti Yoga Center, invited Tom to teach the Mysore program, which he did for nine years, until the pandemic closed the studio.

    “My partner Nina and I were blessed to have a profound reunion with Sharathji in Miami, several weeks before his passing. His indelible teaching, unparalleled warmth and generosity, wisdom, devotion to his students, and his love and respect for nature and its wildlife, inform my life in a deep-rooted way.”

  • Kathy Reisfeld began practicing yoga in 2001 as a compliment to running while working as a financial advisor in NYC. Initially resistant to the idea of yoga, Kathy’s perspective shifted thanks to Beryl Bender Birch’s work through the New York Road Runners Club. Beryl had cleverly disguised Ashtanga Yoga with the moniker of Power Yoga to draw skeptic type A New York runners into its depths. After a lifetime of struggling with anxiety, Kathy found this form of yoga to be transformative.

    She discovered its true depths in 2003 when she traveled to Vermont to practice with Nancy Gilgoff and Christine Hoar. Nancy, the first western woman to travel to Mysore and learn Ashtanga, shared vivid stories of practicing in India with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in the early 70s. Hearing how Ashtanga changed Nancy’s life for the better—inspiring strength and healing in what Nancy described as a very frail and ailing body—motivated Kathy to explore her own practice more deeply. Nancy’s authentic connection to the lineage and the wisdom she shared made the tradition feel alive and accessible, guiding Kathy toward a more meaningful and holistic experience of yoga.

    Upon returning to NYC, Kathy began practicing daily with Eddie Stern. Eddie’s deep love for yoga philosophy and the Indian culture it came from was palpable—walking into his practice room felt like entering a temple in India. It was there that Kathy truly began to experience the freedom in surrender and devotion, allowing her physical practice to evolve into a spiritual practice. She is grateful to Eddie for hosting Pattabhi Jois, his daughter Saraswati Jois, and his grandson Sharath Jois in NYC many times over the years, giving her the opportunity to study with “the source.” Kathy traveled to Mysore in 2005 to practice with Sharath and immerse herself in the rich culture and traditions that brought the Ashtanga practice to life. She also continued to make regular trips to study with Nancy and Christine.

    In 2010, Kathy moved to Woodstock, NY, where she and her husband, Scott, welcomed their daughter, Ruthie, in 2011. Balancing a daily yoga practice with motherhood and a full-time career as a financial advisor was often challenging. Fourteen years later, Kathy is still learning how to balance her physical and spiritual practices with her roles as a mother and professional. She has learned that sometimes balance isn’t possible—and that’s okay, because the yoga will always be there, even if on some days it’s only through a deep breath while washing the dishes.

    In 2024, Kathy and Scott began renovating the barn on their property to create a dedicated space for Ashtanga Yoga in Great Barrington. With the passing of both Nancy and Sharath in 2024, it feels more important than ever to continue spreading the Ashtanga Yoga practice. As Pattabhi Jois once told Nancy, when asked what he thought of the way that yoga was being taught in the West, “Even to hear the word yoga in this lifetime is a boon.”

    Kathy and Scott hope to create a welcoming space where practitioners can experience the boon of Ashtanga Yoga and find strength, healing, and community.


What is Ashtanga Yoga?

Ashtanga Yoga is a traditional style of yoga that involves synchronizing breath with movement through a set sequence of postures. This practice builds strength, flexibility, and concentration, offering a transformative mind-body experience. The practice is taught in a Mysore-style setting, where each student works at their own pace with personalized guidance from the teacher.

What is Mysore-style practice?

Mysore-style is a self-paced, individualized way of practicing Ashtanga Yoga. Students practice the sequence on their own, while the teacher provides guidance, adjustments, and modifications as needed. This method allows you to progress at your own pace while receiving one-on-one support.

Do I need prior experience to join a Mysore-style class?

No, Mysore-style is open to practitioners of all levels. Beginners will start with a modified version of the Ashtanga sequence, and as you build strength and flexibility, the practice will evolve. Our teachers will offer individualized support, so no prior experience is necessary to begin your journey.

What should I bring to class?

Please bring a yoga mat (if you own one - if not we can lend you one) and comfortable clothing. It can also helpful to bring a towel for sweat, as Ashtanga Yoga can be quite physical.

How often should I practice?

To experience the full benefits of Ashtanga Yoga, consistency is key. We recommend practicing at least three times a week. With Mysore-style, you can practice as often as you like, and our teachers will guide you on when to take rest days based on your body’s needs.

What are your pricing options?

We offer a variety of options to fit different needs, including monthly memberships, weekly passes, and single class drop-ins. We also offer discounts for students, seniors, and those with financial need. Check our Schedule & Fees page for details.

Can I join a class if I’m not flexible or strong?

Absolutely! Ashtanga Yoga is for everyone. Flexibility and strength develop over time with consistent practice. Our teachers will work with you individually to modify postures and ensure you’re practicing safely and effectively.

What if I have injuries or health concerns?

Please inform your teacher before class if you have any injuries or health concerns. While Ashtanga Yoga can be therapeutic, we always encourage practicing within your limits, and our teachers will assist you in adjusting poses to accommodate your needs.

Ashtanga Yoga is a transformative practice that not only strengthens the body but also nurtures the mind and spirit, leaving you feeling more balanced, empowered, and present in your everyday life.